mein haus ist ein heizungstechnischer abgrund.
vormittags: die zwei heizungstypen kamen, nachdem ich schon seit mehr als einer woche nerve. sahen sich die sache an, stellten fest: liegt am heizungskeller.
keiner hatte einen schluessel dafuer. ich nicht, die typen nicht, keine andere partei in diesem bruchwerk. wundervoll. keine heizung.
und nun, ich stand soeben unter der dusche: heizung! die beiden kerle sind - in ihrer freizeit, wie der juengere (der chef der beiden) betonte - wieder vor meiner tuer gestanden, haben mich aus meinem wasser rausgeklingelt - und es heizt. herrlich.
May the Almighty God have mercy on you, and forgiving your sins, bring you to life everlasting. Amen.
May the Almighty and Merciful God grant you pardon, absolution, and remission of your sins.
Venial Sins
Recite 1792 Hail Marys and 69 Our Fathers.
Mortal Sins
Consider the implications of what you have done. You must take all steps possible to undo what has been done, and make right what you have done wrong.
You should fast for a total of 12 weeks. If this is too much to do at once due to the length of the fast, or infirmity, it is acceptable to break a fast into smaller sections. If you are unsure how long it is safe to fast for, consult a doctor.
If your sin also broke the law of the land in which you live, you must confess to the authorities.
I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
May the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the merits of the Blessed Virgin Mary and of all the Saints, what good you have done or what evil you have suffered be to you for the remission of your sins, growth in grace and the reward of everlasting life. Amen.
von hier...
vormittags: die zwei heizungstypen kamen, nachdem ich schon seit mehr als einer woche nerve. sahen sich die sache an, stellten fest: liegt am heizungskeller.
keiner hatte einen schluessel dafuer. ich nicht, die typen nicht, keine andere partei in diesem bruchwerk. wundervoll. keine heizung.
und nun, ich stand soeben unter der dusche: heizung! die beiden kerle sind - in ihrer freizeit, wie der juengere (der chef der beiden) betonte - wieder vor meiner tuer gestanden, haben mich aus meinem wasser rausgeklingelt - und es heizt. herrlich.
May the Almighty God have mercy on you, and forgiving your sins, bring you to life everlasting. Amen.
May the Almighty and Merciful God grant you pardon, absolution, and remission of your sins.
Venial Sins
Recite 1792 Hail Marys and 69 Our Fathers.
Mortal Sins
Consider the implications of what you have done. You must take all steps possible to undo what has been done, and make right what you have done wrong.
You should fast for a total of 12 weeks. If this is too much to do at once due to the length of the fast, or infirmity, it is acceptable to break a fast into smaller sections. If you are unsure how long it is safe to fast for, consult a doctor.
If your sin also broke the law of the land in which you live, you must confess to the authorities.
I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
May the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the merits of the Blessed Virgin Mary and of all the Saints, what good you have done or what evil you have suffered be to you for the remission of your sins, growth in grace and the reward of everlasting life. Amen.
von hier...
ruha-bishta - 2005/10/14 15:56