-About Yourself -100 Questions- | |
- General Info - | |
Name?: | *pieps* |
Age?: | 21 |
Hair color?: | red |
Happy with it?: | yepp |
If not, what would you change it to?: | - |
Eye color?: | blue-gray-green + yellow/bronze ring |
Happy with it?: | yepp! |
If not, what would you change it to?: | - |
Skin color?: | pale? |
- Favorites - | |
Color?: | gray, indigo, turquoise |
Food?: | mh... steak. |
Animal?: | cats |
Smell?: | my bed + rincewind's belly |
Website?: | - |
Fast food?: | - |
Activity?: | reading |
TV Show?: | Farscape! |
Actor?: | Brad Dourif + Christopher Walken |
Actress?: | don't know |
Movie?: | The Prophecy I (aka God's Army) |
Shoe brand?: | Ranger's |
Dog?: | - |
Cat?: | rincewind |
Board Game?: | warhammer |
Video Game?: | planescape: torment |
- Usernames - | |
On Aol or AIM?: | - |
On MSN or MSN Messanger?: | - |
On Bzoink?: | - |
On LiveJournal?: | - |
On Blurty?: | - |
On Neopets?: | - |
- This or That? - | |
Coke or Pepsi?: | Coke |
Black or White?: | black |
Summer or Winter?: | winter |
Spring or Fall?: | fall |
Mountains or Plains?: | both |
Rock or Pop?: | rock |
Jeans or Khackis?: | both |
Shorts or Capris?: | neither |
Message Boards or E-mail?: | |
Some good friends or a lot of bad ones?: | some good friends |
TV or computer?: | book |
Cordless phone or cell?: | neither |
MSN or AIM?: | neither |
Survey or Quiz?: | quiz |
Pink or Red?: | red |
Christmas or Easter?: | solstices |
Read or Write?: | both |
Take or Create?: | create (what's that question supposed to mean?) |
Flower or Weed?: | weeeeeeeed! |
Pizza or Antelope?: | antelope-steak on pizza |
- Love Life - | |
Have you ever had a girlfriend/boyfriend?: | ...................d'oh. |
Do you currently have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: | yepp |
How many girlfriends/boyfriends have you had?: | 5 |
Does your girlfriend/boyfriend give you presents?: | do lighters count? |
- How Many - | |
Piercings?: | 6 |
Tatoos?: | - |
CDs?: | ~ 500 |
DVDs?: | 38 |
Computers?: | 1 |
TVs?: | - |
Pairs of Shoes?: | 4 |
Musical Instruments?: | 9 |
Buckets of Lard?: | - |
Pets?: | 2.5 |
Hair brushes?: | 2 |
- Talents - | |
Can you sing?: | somewhat |
Can you dance?: | hells no |
Can you decorate?: | don't know |
Can you type fast?: | yepp |
Can you train animals?: | errr... no? |
Can you write?: | yepp |
Can you read fast?: | yepp |
Can you sharpen pencils?: | yepp |
Can you paint?: | somewhat |
Can you draw?: | see above |
- Random - | |
Name a random song.: | ceremony of opposites |
Name a random TV show.: | the simpsons |
Name a random food.: | cottage cheese |
Name a random person.: | Hannes |
Name a random animal.: | meow? |
Name a random holiday.: | my birthday |
Name a random cartoon character.: | dolph the fascist hippo |
- Family - | |
Do you have siblings?: | nope |
Do you get along with them?: | - |
Do you live at home?: | nope |
Are your parents divorced?: | in a way, if dying counts as divorce. |
- Are you.. - | |
In love?: | as usual |
Sleepy?: | always |
Glad you took this survey?: | no. why should I? |
Take this survey | Find more surveys You've been totally Bzoink*d |
und weil's so huebsch geworden ist:

ruha-bishta - 2005/10/24 16:16